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Germantown Public Library Posts

Covid-19 Guidelines as of June 11, 2021

Phase 5 – Germantown Public Library

Masks are optional for those who are fully vaccinated.  

Current CDC guidelines recommend the wearing of masks for anyone over the age of 2 who has not been vaccinated.

Use hand sanitizer, available in the lobby, before entering the library.

Water Fountain and restroom are not available as our cleaning service is not able to return at this time.

We will close 1 hour early each day for staff members to clean the building.

If you are feeling unwell, please stay home.


There are no longer time limits for computer usage and library browsing.

There are no longer capacity limits within the building.

Returns may be made to the outside drop box or to the front desk inside the library.

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Library Book Sale and Summer Reading Program

Germantown Public Library will be having a book sale on June 4th and 5th in conjunction with the Village wide yard sales.  The sale will be held during normal business hours.  Friday, June 4th 1 pm-5pm and Saturday, June 5th 9am-11am

Small plastic grocery bag – $2.00

Large paper grocery bag – $5.00

 **Bags will be provided

Individual items will be $.25 each if you do not fill up a bag.

The Summer Reading Program theme this year is Reading Colors Your World.  Registration starts June 4th.  We will be available after hours that day for anyone attending the car show.  Stop by the library and get registered.  Once we have a beginning count of participants we will contact you to pick up a goodie bag starting on June 10th and you can start reading.  Program will end on July 31st.  Art projects will be available each week starting June 14th so watch our website and Facebook page for updates.

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