10 events found.
Free and fun for ages 1-5. Stories, games and crafts. No library card needed!
Library Board Meeting
Our April meeting will be held online via Zoom. As always, board meetings are open to the public. Here is the site to click on…
Library Board Meeting
All library board meetings are open to the public. The May 14, 2020 meeting will be held via Zoom. If you would like to attend…
Library Board Meeting
Open to the public
Summer Reading 2020
Summer Reading program begins Sat. June 20. BEFORE THEN, call 523-4820 or email gma@gtownlibrary.org to sign up. Free and fun for ages 4 and up. …
Library Board Meeting
Germantown Public LibraryMonthly board meeting is open to the public.
Library Board Meeting
Germantown Public LibraryMonthly Board Meeting is open to the public.