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CLOSED through May

The library remains closed through May 31, 2020. At this time we anticipate a gradual reopening possibly beginning in June with curbside pickup, then limited numbers of people inside the building, and hopefully some kind of modified summer reading program. Stay tuned and stay safe!

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We Remain Closed

To comply with the Governor’s stay-at-home order, the library will remain closed through at least April 30. If that order is extended, our closure will also be extended. Continue to check back here or on our Facebook page for updates. A staff member is at the library each day and will check for and answer messages. Continue to call, email or leave a message on Facebook if you have any questions or concerns. If you need your library card number or PIN to access World Book online or download eBooks, we can help with that. We have recorded story times for youngsters and post them to Facebook periodically, so check back often. Stay safe!

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Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the library board has decided to CLOSE the library to help slow the spread of this virus. As of now, the library will be closed beginning March 17 through at least April 9. The full statement follows.

News Release and Public Information Announcement

GERMANTOWN PUBLIC LIBRARY Closure March 17-April 9, 2020:

After much deliberation, the Germantown Public Library District Board of Directors voted at a special meeting held March 16 to close the library to the public to help slow the spread of the novel coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19).  Closure will be in effect Tuesday, March 17 through Thursday April 9, 2020. 

On March 13, Governor Pritzker mandated that all schools in the state be closed.  Since then, the Illinois Library Association has recommended that public libraries close their doors and library staff stay home as much as possible.  In addition, the Illinois Heartland Library System has suspended delivery of materials among libraries.  So, for the safety of staff and patrons, as well as an obligation to be part of a community effort to minimize the strain COVID-19 will have on our local health care systems, we have sadly taken this needed action. 

Here’s what the closing will entail:

  • Overdue fines will not accrue for the dates we are closed, March 17 through April 9.  All items currently checked out will be renewed until the library reopens.  You may renew your items online or call us to renew. 
  • Books should NOT be returned.  Our book drop will be locked during the time the library is closed.  Please hold all library materials until we reopen. 
  • If you had items requested, your request will be filled when we reopen and interlibrary loan delivery resumes. 
  • We are unable to accept donated items at this time. 

The library hopes to continue to support the community as much as possible during these difficult and unusual times.  The following services will continue during the closure:

  • Staff will be at the library for some part of each day we would have normally been open, to offer phone and email assistance.  Please call us at 523-4820 or email with any questions or concerns.  We will get back to you as soon as possible.  You may also leave messages on our Facebook page. 
  • Wi-Fi will continue to be available on library grounds. 
  • Electronic Resources: eBooks and eAudiobooks are always available online through our website You can also download the free Cloud Library app via or from the Apple App or Google Play stores. 
  • Access to World Book Encyclopedia online is available from our website.  Explore our website for more resources and ideas under the “Book Lover’s Links” and “Kids Corner” tabs.  
  • Fax and copy services are offered at Germantown Bank and Trust.  Call them first at 523-4202 to be sure of availability and prices. 

We are taking steps to ensure the Germantown community has access to information and resources during this time.  Patrons should refer to the library’s website,, Facebook page or phone line, 523-4820, for up-to-date information regarding our closing.  You can help prevent the spread of the virus through the library and its materials by refraining from eating while reading and do not lick your fingers when turning the pages of a book.  Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently. 

We understand and apologize for any inconvenience but feel we must prioritize the safety of our staff and the public.  Thank you for your patience, understanding and patronage.  Please remember the situation is rapidly changing and we will constantly re-evaluate and make changes as needed based on community conditions and guidance from public health officials. 

Joan Young, Library Director

Board of Trustees, Germantown Public Library

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Important Virus Information

As of March 13, the library is cancelling programs such as Monthly Story Time and Lego Club. We are disinfecting surfaces at the library daily and will clean and disinfect our childrens’ toys.

We will stay open at least through Monday March 16 and the board will decide what to do after that date, in light of school closures and recommendations from the local, state and federal government. Health and safety are our highest priorities. If you are sick, please do not come to the library. You can always call us at 523-4820 or email us at to request items or renewals of items you already have. This could be a great time to try eBooks through our Cloud Library. Download the app via Contact us with any questions, stay safe and wash your hands!

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1000 Books Before Kindergarten Kick-off Event

Stop in any time from 9 to noon on Sat. Feb. 22 to learn more about this fun free program we are bringing in to the Germantown Library. Sign up children from birth through entering kindergarten. Get all the materials you need to track what you read and earn incentives along the way to reading 1000 books before kindergarten. Snacks provided too.

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Quilt Raffle Tickets are Here

25th anniversary quilt

Come in to purchase a raffle ticket to support the library and possibly win this beautiful 25th anniversary quilt. You really have to see it with your own eyes to appreciate the beauty and craftsmanship. Tickets are $2 each or 3 for $5

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Last Summer Reading Event

Join us Saturday, July 20 at 10:00am for our summer reading wrap party. Magician Rich Landry will entertain us. All kids who attend will receive an attendance prize, possibly St. Louis Cardinals’ tickets! There will be cold drinks and fun for all. You can still continue reading and earning prizes throughout the month of July. Plus our little “theater”, costumes and accessories will stay in the library for playtime fun the rest of the summer. Check out our facebook page for some of this year’s stars!

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