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COVID-19 Guidelines as of August 16, 2021

The number of covid cases  have been rising in the population of individuals who are not vaccinated.  Since students under the age of 12 are not yet able to receive the vaccination we want to take the necessary precautions to prevent the spread of covid for this age group.  With the beginning of a new school year, the Illinois State Board of Education is following guidance from the Illinois Department of Health, American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Centers for Disease Control and requiring masks when inside school buildings.  The Germantown Public School District  uses the Germantown Public Library as an extension of the classroom.  Teachers bring their students for weekly visits which allows them to check out reading materials.  In order to support the guidance put forth by the ISBE we will once again be requiring the wearing of masks when inside the library.  We appreciate your support in these efforts to keep the youngest members of our community as safe as possible.

Please use hand sanitizer, available in the lobby, before entering the library.

Water fountain and restroom are not available for public use at this time.

If you are feeling unwell, please stay home.


At this time there are no time limits or capacity limits for using the library.  We will keep you updated as new information is provided to us.

Current library hours are as follows:

Monday 10:00-3:00

Tuesday 1:00-7:00

Wednesday 10:00-3:00

Thursday 1:00-7:00

Friday 1:00-5:00

Saturday  9:00-11:00

Sunday – Closed

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Covid-19 Guidelines as of June 11, 2021

Phase 5 – Germantown Public Library

Masks are optional for those who are fully vaccinated.  

Current CDC guidelines recommend the wearing of masks for anyone over the age of 2 who has not been vaccinated.

Use hand sanitizer, available in the lobby, before entering the library.

Water Fountain and restroom are not available as our cleaning service is not able to return at this time.

We will close 1 hour early each day for staff members to clean the building.

If you are feeling unwell, please stay home.


There are no longer time limits for computer usage and library browsing.

There are no longer capacity limits within the building.

Returns may be made to the outside drop box or to the front desk inside the library.

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Library Book Sale and Summer Reading Program

Germantown Public Library will be having a book sale on June 4th and 5th in conjunction with the Village wide yard sales.  The sale will be held during normal business hours.  Friday, June 4th 1 pm-5pm and Saturday, June 5th 9am-11am

Small plastic grocery bag – $2.00

Large paper grocery bag – $5.00

 **Bags will be provided

Individual items will be $.25 each if you do not fill up a bag.

The Summer Reading Program theme this year is Reading Colors Your World.  Registration starts June 4th.  We will be available after hours that day for anyone attending the car show.  Stop by the library and get registered.  Once we have a beginning count of participants we will contact you to pick up a goodie bag starting on June 10th and you can start reading.  Program will end on July 31st.  Art projects will be available each week starting June 14th so watch our website and Facebook page for updates.

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Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum

Free Admission for Illinois Students Through May. At a time when many families face financial hardships, the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum is offering a bit of relief by letting Illinois students visit for free. “As the weather warms up, we know families will be looking for new activities that are both safe and affordable,” said Melissa Coultas, acting executive director of the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum. “We’ve already taken steps to make the museum as safe as possible. Now we’re making it even more affordable for visitors.” The special offer, which applies to students from kindergarten to college, runs through May 31.
The usual prices are $6 for children 5-15 and $12 for students 16 and older. School groups visiting in March, April and May pay $4 per student. This offer makes the museum free for every Illinois student, whether they’re on a field trip or a family vacation. Guests must schedule their visits in advance at School groups of 15 students or more schedule visits through

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Quilt Raffle Results

Congratulations to Joan Young!!  I am excited to announce that she is the winner of the quilt raffle.  One of the Jr. High students was kind enough to pull a name for me when the group visited the library today.  Thank you to everyone who participated in the raffle. The library appreciates the support.

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Quilt Raffle Drawing Postponed

The 25th Anniversary Quilt Raffle drawing scheduled for January 15th has been postponed until March 1st.  Unfortunately, Covid-19 has put a damper on many of our community’s festivities and this is another one.  The library director is currently under quarantine due to close contact with a family member diagnosed with Covid and will not be able to participate in the drawing on the 15th.  The library board of trustees has decided the postponement is reasonable due to these circumstances.

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UPDATED INFORMATION – Partial Closure extended News Release and Public Information Announcement


With the increasing numbers of COVID-19 in our area we have decided to limit library service to Curbside pick up and appointment only service for entry to the building.  These changes will be in effect Friday, November 20, 2020 through at least January 3, 2021.  We will update with new information as it becomes available.  Please call us at 523-4820 to make appointments.

Here’s what the changes will entail:

  • Overdue fines will not accrue.  You may renew your items online or call us to renew. 
  • Books should be returned to the outside book drop only. 
  • Interlibrary loan will be available.
  • Computer use will be by appointment only for 20 minute sessions.

The library hopes to continue to support the community as much as possible during these difficult and unusual times.  The following services will continue during the closure:

  • Staff will be at the library to offer phone and email assistance.  Please call us at 523-4820 or email with any questions or concerns.  We will get back to you as soon as possible.  You may also leave messages on our Facebook page. 
  • Wi-Fi will continue to be available on library grounds. 
  • Electronic Resources: eBooks and eAudiobooks are always available online through our website You can also download the free Cloud Library app via or from the Apple App or Google Play stores. 
  • Access to World Book Encyclopedia online is available from our website.  Explore our website for more resources and ideas under the “Book Lover’s Links” and “Kids Corner” tabs.  
  • Fax and copy services are available.  Please call ahead for an appointment.

We are taking steps to ensure the Germantown community has access to information and resources during this time.  Patrons should refer to the library’s website,, Facebook page or phone line, 523-4820, for up-to-date information regarding these changes.

We understand and apologize for any inconvenience but feel we must prioritize the safety of our staff and the public.  Thank you for your patience, understanding and patronage.  Please remember the situation is rapidly changing and we will constantly re-evaluate and make changes as needed based on community conditions and guidance from public health officials. 

Kami Komm, Library Director

Board of Trustees, Germantown Public Library

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Family Reading Night

Family reading night- Thursday, November 19.  Book Bingo – Grab Bags – Story – Turkey Craft.  Watch the Storytime video on the Germantown Public Library Facebook page on November 19th which will include a story and instructions for a turkey craft.  You can use materials you have at home to complete the craft.  You will need paper, scissors, glue, markers, crayons and anything else you want to decorate your turkey. 

Stop by the library to get a Library Grab Bag November 16th – November 30th.  Each bag will contain assorted items one of which will be a Book Bingo Card.  Complete a regular Bingo – 5 across, down, or diagonal and get one entry into a prize drawing.  Complete a blackout bingo card (cover all squares) and get 5 entries into a prize drawing.  Bingo cards must be submitted to the library by January 14th 2021.  The drawing will be held on January 15th 2021 in conjunction with our 25th anniversary quilt drawing.

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