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Month: April 2020

CLOSED through May

The library remains closed through May 31, 2020. At this time we anticipate a gradual reopening possibly beginning in June with curbside pickup, then limited numbers of people inside the building, and hopefully some kind of modified summer reading program. Stay tuned and stay safe!

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We Remain Closed

To comply with the Governor’s stay-at-home order, the library will remain closed through at least April 30. If that order is extended, our closure will also be extended. Continue to check back here or on our Facebook page for updates. A staff member is at the library each day and will check for and answer messages. Continue to call, email or leave a message on Facebook if you have any questions or concerns. If you need your library card number or PIN to access World Book online or download eBooks, we can help with that. We have recorded story times for youngsters and post them to Facebook periodically, so check back often. Stay safe!

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