Sign up now for this year’s summer reading program, “It’s Showtime at your Library!” Our 1st event will be making our own musical instruments on Sat. June 15 at 10am. Free popcorn and attendance prizes!
Comments closedA place where everyone is welcome to learn, explore your heritage, get answers to your questions, or just enjoy yourself!
Sign up now for this year’s summer reading program, “It’s Showtime at your Library!” Our 1st event will be making our own musical instruments on Sat. June 15 at 10am. Free popcorn and attendance prizes!
Comments closedWed. May 29 at 11am we’ll hold our last pre-k storytime until September. If you have children ages 1-5, bring them to the library that day for stories, games and fun involving all kinds of bubbles! Then be sure to sign up any youngsters ages 4-12 for our summer reading program, “It’s Showtime at Your Library!” Our first event is June 15 and kids can read on their own time this summer to earn all kinds of great prizes.
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