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Month: January 2019

Children’s Story Time

The library would like to hold monthly story times for children ages 1-5. This will be free and open to the public. Please spread the word! Our first story time will take place on Wed. Feb. 27 at 11am. A volunteer will read several stories and we’ll have an informal discussion about how often parents/grandparents/caregivers would like to meet and what they’d like to see included. Please bring the youngsters in your life and any ideas you may have.

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The Library will be CLOSED Monday, January 21 for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

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New Year, New Roof

After nearly 25 years under our original roof, with several hail storms, small leaks and a few replaced shingles, it was time for a new roof on the library. We think it looks pretty good. Here’s to at least 25 more years!

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