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Month: March 2017

National Library Week contests

In honor of National Library Week, April 9-15, 2017, the library is holding 2 competions.  For those in grades kindergarten through 4th, we’re having a coloring contest.  Kids in grades 5th through 8th can create their own bookmark.  All coloring pages and bookmarks are due by April 5.  Don’t forget to put your name and phone number on your entry.  We’ll display all entries in the library during National Library Week and winners will be able to choose from a large selection of great new books as prizes.  Good luck to all and get those creative juices flowing!

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Tax Time

As April 15, the deadline for filing taxes approaches, we’d like to remind you that the library can provide some assistance.  We have several of the most popular federal and Illinois forms and their instruction booklets on hand.  There is no charge to pick these up and take them with you.  You can also access the federal and state websites here plus print needed forms or file online at the library.  We have 5 computers available to the public or bring your own laptop and make use of our free wi-fi.

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