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Year: 2016

Read for the Win!


iRead2016-12It’s time once again to sign up for summer reading.  This year’s theme is “Read-For the Win!”  Our first event will be a party here at the library on Sat. June 18 at 10am.  Kids ages 4-12 may sign up any time before then, by calling us at 523-4820, stopping in, or emailing us at  Keep your reading skills sharp while also having plenty of fun with games, competitions, fun, food and prizes.  Spend your summer Reading for the Win!

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Thanks Earth Day Volunteers!

Earth Day 2016 005

This great group of junior high students spent a couple of hours beautifying the outside of the library today, in honor of Earth Day.  They pulled weeds, picked up trash, replaced our worn flag with a new one, carried out paper and cardboard for recycling and washed windows.  (Notice that sparkling shine!)  Then they came inside and recycled old greeting cards into colorful and creative bookmarks.   These and other students of Germantown Elementary were out and about all over town today, beautifying parks, streets and yards.   We appreciate all your hard work, kids!

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