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Month: August 2016

New Book Drop

new book drop box 002

Have you seen our new book drop box?  These young men are trying it out on the first day it arrived.  Our old box just rusted through and could no longer be relied upon to keep the books safe and dry.  Our new box is refurbished from its former life working at a movie rental store!  It is brushed steel and guaranteed for life and will hold up to 150 items.  Your tax dollars at work.

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See You at the Spassfest!

2016 Spassfest

This weekend Germantown will celebrate the 49th Annual Spassfest.  It’s a celebration of our German heritage and runs from 4pm Friday August 19th through noon on Sunday August 21st.  There will be rides, games, music, food and drinks.  Come out and visit us!  The parade is scheduled for Sat. Aug. 20th at 5:30pm.  The library’s entry will showcase German fairy tales.  We will be open our regularly scheduled hours on Friday and Saturday.

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