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Month: May 2016

School’s Out!

Now that school is out, we look forward to seeing the kids using the library throughout the long, lazy days of summer.  Just a reminder, children under the age of 10 should not be left unattended at the library.  Kids are not allowed to use computers alone unless they are at least 10 years of age.  We welcome children to the library, but we are not babysitters!  Please enjoy using the library as a family.  When children reach the age of 10 and you allow them to come to the library on their own, we appreciate parents’ ensuring that the kids understand they must behave, be quiet and respect the library equipment, library staff and other patrons.  Let’s all have a great summer, enjoying books, movies, fishing poles and all that our library has to offer!

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Help for Victims of Identity Theft

Did you know there is a FREE government website you can use to report identity theft and build a personalized recovery plan?  Go to and answer a few questions about what happened.  The site will help you build your recovery plan, walk you through each step of the recovery process and pre-fill letters and forms to help you deal with businesses, debt collectors and even the IRS.  Hopefully you’ll never need this service, but it’s good to know it’s there if you or a loved one has had their identity stolen.

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