This great group of junior high students spent a couple of hours beautifying the outside of the library today, in honor of Earth Day. Â They pulled weeds, picked up trash, replaced our worn flag with a new one, carried out paper and cardboard for recycling and washed windows. Â (Notice that sparkling shine!) Â Then they came inside and recycled old greeting cards into colorful and creative bookmarks. Â These and other students of Germantown Elementary were out and about all over town today, beautifying parks, streets and yards. Â We appreciate all your hard work, kids!
Comments closedMonth: April 2016
Do you have a child who struggles with reading or math? Â This training may be for you! Â Family Matters will present a workshop at the Christian Activity Center in East St. Louis on Wed. April 27 at 12:30pm. Â The goal is to help parents understand what support is available at school and how progress is monitored. Â Each parent who attends gets a $20 Walmart gift card! Â The class is free. Â Just call Felinda at 618-874-5615 to register.
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