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Month: April 2016

Thanks Earth Day Volunteers!

Earth Day 2016 005

This great group of junior high students spent a couple of hours beautifying the outside of the library today, in honor of Earth Day.  They pulled weeds, picked up trash, replaced our worn flag with a new one, carried out paper and cardboard for recycling and washed windows.  (Notice that sparkling shine!)  Then they came inside and recycled old greeting cards into colorful and creative bookmarks.   These and other students of Germantown Elementary were out and about all over town today, beautifying parks, streets and yards.   We appreciate all your hard work, kids!

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Help for Kids Struggling at School

Do you have a child who struggles with reading or math?  This training may be for you!  Family Matters will present a workshop at the Christian Activity Center in East St. Louis on Wed. April 27 at 12:30pm.  The goal is to help parents understand what support is available at school and how progress is monitored.  Each parent who attends gets a $20 Walmart gift card!  The class is free.  Just call Felinda at 618-874-5615 to register.

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