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Year: 2016

Holiday Closings


The library will be closed December 24 and 26 so our employees may celebrate Christmas with their families.  We wish all patrons a very happy and healthy holiday season with your families and loved ones!

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Girl Scouts book drive


Thanks, Germantown Girl Scouts!  These hard working gals held a book drive and donated all the books, magazines and DVDs they collected to the library.  Then they spent Saturday morning helping us sort books, check for duplicates on the shelves and in the online catalog and generally learning what happens to a book from the time it comes into the library until it’s ready to go on the shelf.  We received many, many great adult, junior and children’s books.  The items we couldn’t use will be donated to St. Joseph’s hospital for their annual book sale.  But before sending them on to the hospital, the girls and their leaders had some fun building a Christmas tree for the library out of the books!  Stop in and see it when you can.  It looks very festive and after the holidays, all those books will be donated to the hospital.  We thank the girls, their leaders and all who donated books to help our library continue to grow.

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