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Month: April 2015

Fun from National Library Week

The library was the place to be during National Library Week this year.  Lots of classes came to visit and everyone left with a candy watch saying “Time to Read a Good Book”!  Kids in grades kindergarten through 4th grade helped us celebrate by entering our coloring contest.  The winners this year were Barrette Leath, Kaelyn Gebke, Hailey Weathers, Sami Argo, Dylan Poettker and Hailea Colston.  All the colorful entries are on display and brightening up the library!
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New Germantown History Display

During the month of April, we are fortunate to have on display a small part of the collection of the late Hilda Brueggemann, noted area historian.  Upon her death, Mrs. Brueggemann’s family left her extensive collection of books and documents to the Germantown Historical Society.  They have kindly put some of those items in our display case.  Included are early plat books and an undated Clinton County Farm Directory listing such phone numbers as 2 and 76!  There are also numerous centennial books from towns in this  county and surrounding areas and even the 1933 souvenir booklet of the Germantown Centennial.

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