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Month: April 2015

Thanks, Earth Day Volunteers!

Earth Day 2015 002

Several junior high students stopped by the library last week to help celebrate Earth Day and make the library a better place.  Outside windows were washed so we can better view the lovely landscaping this spring.  In addition, they re-used old greeting cards to make bookmarks.  These handmade bookmarks are a big hit with young and old here at the library.  Thanks for all your help, kids!

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Small Business Offices Available through Kaskaskia College

Are you a writer, consultant, sales rep or other small business entrepreneurial type in need of office space?  Kaskaskia College’s Small Business Development Center has offices available in Trenton for low rent with exceptional benefits.  Printer, desks, chairs, file cabinets, personal computer and phone system are all included.  For more information contact Steven Groner at 545-3260 or

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