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Month: January 2014

New Magazines

We are sorry to say that we will no longer be able to offer our patrons the magazine, “Creating Keepsakes”.  As of the December 2013 issue, the publisher has stopped issuing this title in a print format.

Instead we are excited to announce that we will be receiving 2 entirely new titles.  “Piecework” is issued bi-monthly and covers a wide range of needlework techniques, including crochet and knitting.

“Paper Creations” is published quarterly.  This magazine offers instructions, patterns and tips on creating cards, stationery, decorations, gift boxes and more.

We hope you’ll enjoy these new titles.  Please let us know what you think!

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Tax Forms

We have begun receiving tax forms.  Now available are the federal 1040, 1040A and 1040EZ.  We have no instruction booklets for them yet and the IRS says it could be mid-February before those arrive.  Illinois has not sent out the state forms yet either.  Please stop in or call us at 523-4820 to see if we have the form you need.  As always, these forms are free to the public.

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