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Month: August 2013

Labor Day

The library will be closed Monday, Sept. 2., so that our employees may enjoy the Labor Day holiday.  Hope you can also enjoy the day off.  See you again beginning Sept. 3!

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Rest in Peace, Paul

Today a truly great and generous man, Paul “Trotter” Bergmann was laid to rest.  Without him and his 2 older brothers, Ray and Jack, we probably wouldn’t even have a library in Germantown.  When Paul’s brother Jack died he left behind a large sum of money to be used to build a library.  However, that money was to be held until Paul died so that he could use it as needed for medical expenses.  But Paul, even though he  had already had 2 strokes and wasn’t in the best of health, had other ideas.  He wanted to see the new library, so he signed over his rights to 3/4 of the trust and this library was built and opened in 1995…18 years ago!  Just think of all the people who have benefited from his generosity over the course of those 18 years.  Paul and his wife Rena were truly great friends to our library and they will be sorely missed.

RIP Paul “Trotter” Bergmann       Died August 15, 2013

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