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Month: April 2013

Earth Day 2013

To celebrate Earth Day, Earth Day 2013 001 Earth Day 2013 002 Earth Day 2013 003 Earth Day 2013 005 Earth Day 2013 006junior high students from Germantown Elementary swept through town, cleaning and beautifying the streets, yards and sidewalks of residents and businesses as they went.  We were lucky to have a hardworking group come to the library to clean windows and pull weeds.  It was a cold, damp day, but as you can see from the photos, they worked cheerfully and did a great job.  Thanks to them and all the young people who put in a lot of effort to keep Germantown looking good!

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National Library Week

246We celebrated National Library Week from April 15 through the 20th.  All classes that visited got a new bookmark and candy for each student. Lots of our littlest patrons participated in the annual coloring contest and you can see some of their entries brightening up the library in this photo.  Congratulations to the winners, Garrett Gebke, Nolan Loepker, Hailey Rolfingsmeyer, Isabella Kenow and Shelby Wesselmann.


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Our new system, Polaris, is up and running.  We (and you) now have access to over 9 million items from over 400 libraries in central and southern Illinois.  Click on the Library Catalog link to the right on our homepage to access this new, easy to use catalog.  The website is, if you’d like to bookmark it on your own devices.  With your library card you can place requests from it anywhere you have internet access.  Of course you can still ask a librarian and we’ll be happy to place requests for you.  We know you will enjoy this new and improved system.  We will be learning all the ins and outs over the next few weeks, so please bear with us as we strive to serve you as quickly and efficiently as possible.

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Migration News

Just a reminder, you can still click on the online Library Catalog, but only to search for or view items.  You won’t be able to place any requests until April 9, when migration to our new library database is complete.

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