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Year: 2012

Free Kids’ Internet Safety Program

All children in grades 1-8 are invited and encouraged to attend a presentation by SAFE at the library on Thursday, Nov. 1 at 6:30pm.  This hour-long program will teach children how to stay safe online.  Students will learn what information is ok and what is not safe to provide online, how to choose appropriate usernames and passwords and how kids can protect themselves while enjoying popular sites such as Facebook.  There will be fun activities, time for questions and hand outs to take home.

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Health Fair

Preregistration forms for the St. Joseph’s Hospital Fall Health Fair are now available at the library.  Health Fair screenings will be held throughout the county during October and November.  The first fair will be October 4 at the Breese Knights of Columbus Hall and the final date is November 2 at the Healthplex.  Forms must be processed at least 1 week prior to the date you plan to attend.

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